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Anabolic Steroids Oral tablets Mesterolone


Made by: Jera Labs
Group: Oral
Common name: Mesterolone
Portion and quantity: 25 mg a pill
Container: 50 pills
Used: Orally
Active agent: Mesterolone Acetate
Drug Half-life: 9 hours
Category: Anabolic steroids
Dosage (Men): use 75-100 mg a day
Level of water retention: No
Aromatization: No


Product Overview

Provirolone by Jera Labs is an oral anabolic steroid featuring Mesterolone Acetate as its active ingredient. Known for its unique ability to enhance fertility and elevate libido, Provirolone is also recognized for its mild antidepressant effects and its role in increasing muscle tightness. With a half-life of approximately 9 hours, this compound requires regular dosing throughout the day to maintain stable levels. Provirolone is particularly useful in cycles where testosterone is excluded, making it a versatile addition to many training regimens. Key benefits include:

  • Enhancement of Fertility: Provirolone is effective in increasing fertility, making it a valuable option for those concerned with reproductive health during cycles.
  • Libido Elevation: The compound is well-known for its ability to boost libido, contributing to an overall sense of well-being.
  • Mild Antidepressant Effects: Provirolone has mood-enhancing properties, serving as a mild antidepressant for many users.
  • Increased Muscle Tightness: The product helps improve muscle firmness and definition, making it ideal for those seeking a more toned appearance.

Potential Side Effects

While Provirolone offers numerous benefits, it is important to be aware of potential side effects, including:

  • Suppression of Natural Testosterone Production: Provirolone can suppress the body's natural testosterone production, necessitating careful management during and after cycles.
  • Increase in Low-Density Cholesterol (LDL): The use of Provirolone may lead to an increase in LDL cholesterol levels, which should be monitored to maintain cardiovascular health.
  • Skin Issues (Acne): Some users may experience acne, particularly those with a predisposition to skin conditions.

Recommended Combinations

Provirolone can be effectively combined with:

  • Androgenic Compounds: Provirolone is recommended for use as an androgen alongside other anabolic steroids, especially in cycles where testosterone is excluded.
  • Human Growth Hormone (HGH): Combining Provirolone with HGH can enhance its effects, particularly in promoting muscle tightness and overall physical conditioning.


Provirolone by Jera Labs is a versatile oral anabolic steroid that offers significant benefits in terms of fertility enhancement, libido elevation, and muscle firmness. Its unique properties make it a valuable tool for those looking to optimize their cycle, particularly in the absence of testosterone. However, careful management of potential side effects, particularly regarding cholesterol levels and testosterone suppression, is crucial to ensure a safe and effective experience. With the right approach, Provirolone can be an integral part of achieving your fitness and health goals.

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